How to prepare Reasoning Ability section for SBI PO 2019 exam?
For all aspirants preparing for SBI PO Prelims 2019 exam, it is important to know that there will be three sections in this selection process. The three sections are:- Reasoning Ability (35 questions-35 marks), Quantitative Aptitude (35 questions-35 marks), and English language (30 questions-30 marks). SBI PO Prelims 2019 exam will be of 100 marks and will carry 100 questions. Among all the three sections, Reasoning Ability Section is the most challenging as well as scoring section. To master this section, the candidates should develop accurate understanding of logics and analytical abilities of suitable methods and techniques of solving the problem. After analyzing previous year papers, the frequently asked questions are from topics like Seating Arrangements, Syllogisms, Puzzles, Input-Output, Coding & Decoding, Ordering & Ranking, Inequalities, Directions & Distances, Blood Relations, and Verbal Reasoning etc. The proper strategy of studying Re...